『電動エアーポンプ 電動空気入れ 電動エアコンプレッサー Mansso 自動車タイヤエアーポンプ 自転車空気入れ 電 動モバイルポンプ タイヤ空気入れ USB充電式 2500mAh大容量バッテリー 自動停止 空気抜き機能 ホー スコネクター収納機能 LED懐中ライト 最大圧力120PSI ... 首都圏激安』はヤフオクでkJ-c32a2461d9から12月18日 18時 10分に出品され01月07日 18時 10分に終了予定です。即決価格は5,683円に設定されています。現在694件の入札があります。決済方法はYahoo!かんたん決済に対応。奈良県からの発送料は落札者が負担します。PRオプションはYahoo!かんたん決済、取りナビ(ベータ版)を利用したオークション、即買でした。
(Ultra Small and Handheld & 2 Types of Air Tube) The small drop design weighs only 12.4 oz (340 g), and is lightweight, portable air pump, easy to operate, and is very convenient to carry, so it can be easily inflated by women with weak forces. Comes with a zipper type and knob type air tube. It is convenient to replace the air nozzle with a zipper, and the knob type air tube is more reliable. Knob-style air tube can be stored in storage holes. You can place one end of the Hawse thread and store it in the hole. It is also very convenient to carry High Capacity Battery; High Efficiency Air Pump: Equipped with a 2,500 mAh high capacity battery for increased efficiency. Once fully charged, you can fill 5 car tires. By changing the included attachments, it can be used with items that inflate your bicycle, car, truck, inflatable bike, float, ball, etc. Easy to inflate a variety of things, very convenient! LCD Digital Display & 4 Different Unit Conversion: Equipped with an LCD digital air pressure meter and LED light, this unit is extremely convenient to conversion the air pressure units "PSI", "BAR", "KPA", and "kg/cm?" are displayed on the LCD screen. It can clearly reflect the air pressure units, modes, battery levels, real-time pressure values, and specified air pressure values, making it easy to see the numbers even at night (Adjustable Air Pressure & Automatic Shut Protection) Smart air pump maximum pressure of 120 PSI and auto-stop function. Inflate by setting the desired air pressure beforehand. Automatically stops filling when the set air pressure is reached. No need to worry about too much inflation or insufficient inflation. Electric mobile pump, equipped with a battery protector. When the voltage is too low, it will automatically turn off. Built-in heat dissipator in the main unit effectively reduces the temperature during use Caution: Please note 1: The knob-type air tube has a storage hole. Press the button below to release the knob-style air tube. Note 2: The sound size (less than 50 dB) may be disturbed at night or early morning, so it is recommended to not use it. Note 2: For storage, the button of the storage hole is loose, so when you shake the product, you will hear a rattling sound. There is no possibility of some parts falling out inside. We offer a one-year quality worry-free guarantee. If there is a defective product or if it was used successfully, we will exchange it for free or full refund. If you have any quality problems with the product, please feel free to contact us with our customer support
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¥ 4227
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694 入札履歴