
Working in Canada first requires obtaining a work permit. This document gives you the right to work. Whether it's Temporary or permanent. Depending on your profile and your priorities, we will be able to guide you towards Canadian permanent resident status.


8 questions to answer before applying to work in Canada

This is a guide on all the questions required to succeed an application to work in Canada


We expedite and ease the process.

Our expertise is to be with you at every step of the process and to make sure that your entire work project in Canada be as successful as you desire. Whether you come for a temporary work permit, or you come to explore permanent residency in Canada.

1. Best quality service.

As a worker, we will give you the means to be able to work in good conditions thanks to our services.

2. Job opportunities.

With our network and our various services, you will have the opportunity to meet people, strengthen your skills and evolve in a hyper-competitive but very rewarding environment.

3. An avantage on your future.

Because the future is being prepared now, we are determined to offer you an environment that can develop your personal development, meet people, build a network, a professional file, help you in your career and help you in your professional life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Canadian cities and rural areas depend on newcomers to keep their populations growing and to support their labour markets. Canada also has an aging population, and without a robust system of immigration, Canada would be on a similar trajectory to that of Japan in the 1990s.

Skilled work experience
You must have at least one year, in the last ten years before you submit your electronic application for permanent residence, of continuous full-time work experience (or the equivalent in continuous part-time work) in a skilled occupation listed in Skill Type 0, or Skill Level A or B of the 2016 version of Canada’s National Occupational Classification (NOC).

Language ability
You must show that you meet or exceed the language threshold of Canadian Language Benchmark (CLB) 7 with test results from a IRCC-designated language testing organization.

You must provide either a Canadian educational credential or a foreign educational credential with an Educational Credential Assessment report for immigration purposes from a designated organization to prove that your overseas diploma, degree, or certificate is equivalent to a completed Canadian educational credential. (Points will be awarded based on the completed Canadian educational credential or the value of the foreign educational credential in Canadian standards.)

Skilled workers are chosen as permanent residents based on their education, work experience, knowledge of English and/or French, and other factors. These things often help them succeed in Canada.

Ready to apply for work in Canada?