
Your economic experience will be instructive and very rewarding. Indeed we can accompany you because we have the possibility of connecting you to our powerful influential business network whether political or economic. In Canada, investor status is an opportunity to more easily access permanent resident status and, subsequently, a Canadian passport.


8 questions to answer before applying to invest in Canada

This is a guide on all the questions required to succeed an application to invest in Canada


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Our expertise is to be with you at every step of the process and to make sure that you find that best investment that suits you need with some great ROI. Whether you invest on a distance or invest to seek Canadian Citizenship, we are here to help.

1. Advantages for FDI in Canada.

A qualified workforce A welcoming business environment Large reserves of gas, oil and ore A solid banking sector Unparalleled market access (USMCA) and a strong anchor in international trade A dynamic economy, with a market of 37 million consumers Sophisticated infrastructure, as well as a very modern transportation network.

2. Canada offers low business taxes for companies and a very good business climate.

Total business tax costs are by far the lowest among the G7 countries. Companies investing in Canada can benefit from a range of incentives and tax credit programmes: Scientific Research & Experimental Development Accelerated Investment Incentive Strategic Innovation Fund Global Skills Strategy Canada’s Pan-Canadian Artificial Intelligence Strategy Innovation Superclusters Initiative

3. Protection of Foreign Investment.

Canada has signed 45 bilateral investment treaties (BITs) with several countries. International Controversies Registered By UNCTADThe ISDS Navigator contains information about known international arbitration cases initiated by investors against States pursuant to international investment agreements. Canada is involved in 51 cases as Home State of claimant and in 29 cases as Respondent StateOrganizations Offering Their Assistance in Case of DisagreementICCWBO , International Chamber of Commerce ICSID , International Center for settlement of Investment Disputes USMCA , USMCA investor-state dispute settlement mechanism Member of the Multilateral Investment Guarantee AgencyCanada is a signatory to the MIGA Convention.

Frequently Asked Questions

Start-Ups, Big companies, Real Estate, Governement

The Key Sectors of the National EconomyTechnology, advanced manufacturing, natural resources, entertainment and media, agribusiness, cleantech and life sciences. High Potential SectorsInformation and communication technologies (big data, Internet of Things, AI, cyber-security among others), biotechnologies, health (growing importance of the aging population sector), telecommunications, environment (renewable energies and environmental protection technologies), chemical industry and tourism. Privatization ProgrammesThe topic of healthcare privatisation in health sector is being studied by the government. The road infrastructure sector is carrying out some PPP works – ” Public Private Partnership”. 

An investment is reviewable if there is an acquisition of a Canadian business and the value, calculated in the manner prescribed in the Investment Canada Regulations, of the Canadian business being acquired equals or exceeds the relevant threshold under the Investment Canada Act. Different thresholds for review apply in respect of:

  • Private sector WTO investments.
  • Private sector trade agreement investments
    State-owned enterprise WTO investments.
  • Non-WTO investments and Investments in a cultural business

Ready to apply for investing in Canada?